I did it. After a measly, neglectable 7 years, I managed to successfully defend my masters’ degree. Today is a good day. Although, didn`t it take Odysseus less time to get home to Ithaca? Unfortunately, my Odyssey of the long journey towards educational brilliance won`t be eternalized in any epic story. Maybe there will be […]
First impressions / Prvi občutki
As I wrote in the First beer post, Paula and I went to Bayreuth last week. We left on Sunday and stayed until Monday at Paula´s friend house in Coburg (a small city that is one hour drive away from Bayreuth). This was the only way we could make our 10 o´clock appointment on Monday […]
Another beer entry. For all who think: “This guy is an alcoholic!” I have just one thing to say – tasting beer is important work of cultural significance. You don´t believe me?! I have proof: You see?! It is a Franconian culture thing. Important from the point of view of homeland (heimat), tradition (well, that […]
The First Beer
Yeah I know I said we start our mission on first of April. So we cheated a bit, we had to. When relocating a whole family, there are a few things you have to take care of. First you need an apartment. So Paula and I went to Bayreuth last week to secure us a […]
This is for the guys (and women) who lov...
Bayreuth and all of Franconia are highly populated by breweries. I feel it is my manly duty to try them all. Will I succeed or will I go down in a drunken stupor?! No matter what, I will do my best to find one beer who rules them all (yeah I am also a Tolkien […]