The story of the local tragedy: They were a young couple, beautiful and vibrant. The aura of their happiness seemed impenetrable…unbreakable. No matter what the world threw at them, they knew they could triumph. Their love gave them a magical strength that seemed dead in the modern world, forgotten by the people that rule the […]
Finally the government measures have started to noticeably relax and we have been granted practically free movement within our country (judging from several foreign license plates we saw on the roads, we have started to let people into our country, but we are still unable to go to Croatia to visit some of our immediate […]
Life Lessons
When you reach a certain age, you start to believe that there are no great new experiences to be had, no bigger life surprises or meaningful lessons or emotions that you might feel. You become complacent. While I am not exactly saying that this is me, I can say that I never ever expected to […]