“And on the seventh day god rested.” But daddy has to do all kinds of things on a Sunday.
You guessed it – it was a busy Sunday. We were at the natural history museum in Bayreuth in the morning, and we went to Kulmbach in the afternoon. I made so many pictures, which tell the perfect story of our Sunday, that it seem pointless to bother you with written words (no, I am not reading, George is done and over, back on the shelf – another book, another fine adventure).
Še hitro po slovensko:
“Na sedmi dan je bog počival.” Ampak oči pa mora delati polno enih reči na nedeljo.
Uganili ste – imeli smo zelo dejavno nedeljo. Obiskali smo muzej naravne zgodovine v Bayreuthu v dopoldnevu, popoldne pa smo šli v Kulmbach, ki je nekako sosednje mesto. Naredil sem tako veliko slik, da se mi zdi, da bi preveč obremenjeval to objavo še z besedami (in ne, ne berem, saj je George končan, knjiga je spet na polici – še ena zaključena knjiga, še ena zaključena avantura)
In the morning we chased the dinosaurs / zjutraj smo šli lovit dinozavre:
Inside the museum things were interesting as they had quite a few interesting exhibits and way to intrigue the kids. / V muzeju so imeli zelo zanimive eksponate in načine za pritegnitev otrok k vsebini:
Outside in Bayreuth, there was a marathon, organised by one of two big breweries here in Bayreuth. / Zunaj muzeja pa je bil maraton, ki ga je organizirala en od dveh največjih pivovarn iz Bayreutha:
After the noon nap we drove to Kulmbach which is 25 km from Bayreuth. There we had our lunch at Kulmbacher Komunbrauerei where I had the best piece of meat of my life and a fine tasting beer they make themselves. The one thing that was not to our taste was the abundance of salt the cook used (it seems to be quite a common occurence here in Germany as we had similar experiences also in Oscar and Manns Brau). / Po opoldanskem počitku smo se odpeljali v Kulmbach, ki je oddaljen od Bayreutha približno 25 km. Tam smo imeli kosilo v Kulmbacher Komunbrauerei, kjer sem jedel verjetno najboljši kos svinjskega mesa v svojem življenju in si privoščil zelo dobro pivo, ki ga varijo sami. Edina stvar, ki naju je zmotila je bilo preobilnost soli, ki jo je uporabil kuhar (kar pa se zdi kar pogosta napaka tukajšnje kuhinje, saj smo imeli podobne izkušnje tudi v Oscarju in Manns Brau):
Afterwards to the castle. / Nato pa na grad:
And some nice details of the old town Kulmbach. / Še nekaj podrobnosti starega dela Kulmbacha:
And the winner was – ice cream. / Vedno pa zmaga sladoled:
Prebrala, pregledala slikice, prekrasno, mala dva povečala, približala, vse kar obvladam, ti kar objavljaj, da vemo, kako ste kaj!