Finally, the Covid pandemic seems to be drawing to a close. We are back in school and back to the office after 4 months of home-school and working from home. Despite the fact that I like staying at home as much as going outside, four months of restrictions and saturation of particularities of living in […]
Virus and Earthquakes
Happy New year 2021. 😀 aaaannnd, shit did not start positively, despite our high hopes. We have arrived to the situation that we have worked so hard to avoid – we got infected, yes with Covid-19. Although, my sinuses got inflamed too, to the point of bleeding, but I am not sure that is one […]
Special opportunities for a clear mind
Time flies by and my blog stagnates without any creative surge on my side. Even a swan photo-shoot on the snowy Ljubljanica river bank a few weeks ago did not raise my creative enthusiasm. Although I did enjoy it, despite my growing frustration at the performance of my long-lens. When one does not create, according […]
Protected: The Fourth Box – Chapter 4
Protected: The Fourth Box – Chapter 3
A Migrant in the EU
Boba and other wonderful things
In times like these, we all need 40 good wishes and a song about how this too shall pass: We still got it! When we set our minds towards a goal, some really nice things can emerge. Well, this and also it helps that due to Covid restrictions we have quite a lot of time […]
The 4 and 0
While the world seems to be rushing into chaos (these are just a few clues or some evidence for my statement: Coronavirus causing a worldwide pandemic with disastrous economical and social implications; a different pandemic of widespread mistrust in science and experts, giving birth to numerous self-proclaimed holders of the real truth calling for the […]
The Measure of a Day
When we were young, the answer to the title was simple – dirt. The more of it was on our bodies at the end of the day, the better the day was. There is no better measure for the amount of fun in my opinion. My kids are too often too clean, probably also due […]
The Absurdity of it ALL
It is hard as a parent to resist imagining your kids being in awful situations that you read in the news happening to other kids. Two weeks ago a boy of the same age as our kids drowned in the river Soča. Because we were planning to visit that region of Slovenia I just couldn´t […]