Today I am tired. Not because of the rain, although it has been raining the entire day. And not because of the kids, they were perfect today (they always are it is I who has faults and bad days). I am beat because I have been working, trying to earn some money (all you German tax inspectors out there reading this blog, I will declare the income when I receive it). I will tell you about it when it is due time.

For today I want to share something with you. When I got home just now from karate practice, my boy called me into their bedroom (he was already in his bed when I got home). When I got in he told me in a somewhat sleepy state: »Daddy, I love you! «, and he gave me a big kiss. When I thought the declaring of affections was over, he said: »Daddy, you are so beautiful! «. Trying to hold down my laughing outburst I told him that I love him too and that he is also a very beautiful boy. And he really is. They both are.

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Good night.

Slovensko uspavanje:

Danes sem zelo utrujen. Ne zaradi dežja, čeprav je deževalo cel dan, spet. Prav tako ne zaradi otrok, ker sta bila super danes (saj sta vedno super, jaz sem tisti, ki ima napake in slabe dni, ona dva sta pač samo otroka). Utrujen sem, ker sem delal nekaj, da bi zaslužil malo denarja, da vsaj malo prispevam družinskemu proračunu (vsi vi nemški davčni inšpektorji, ne bojte se, bom napovedal denar, ko ga zaslužim). O svojem delu vam bom kaj več povedal, ko bo čas za to.

Danes pa sem samo želel nekaj deliti z vami. Ko sem prišel malo prej domov iz karate treninga, me je moj sin poklical v njuno sobo (se je že uspaval v svoji postelji, ko sem prišel). Ko sem vstopil, mi je v pol snu rekel: Ati, rad te imam!«. Ko sem že mislil, da so nežne izpovedi mimo, mi je še zaupal: »Ati, zelo si lep!«. Med tem, ko sem se trudil potlačiti glasen smeh, sem mu iskreno rekel, da ga imam tudi jaz rad in, da je tudi on zelo lep fant. In resnično je. Oba sta, najlepša.

Lahko noč.