Paula arranged to have a picnic with Angela, the nice lady that helped us with the moving to Bayreuth and is still helping us with different information about Bayreuth and Germany – the latest information she gave us is that the Kreuzsteinbad (swimming pool) is open, but I mustn’t tell the kids cause they would demand that I take them on Monday rain or shine.

Angela came with her two of three kids, young Henry who is a spitting image of his mom, and cute Josephine, who has even more energy than our kids. She also brought different treats from a local bakery and with our contribution of Buckwheat cake we had our fill (especially out kids that barely left the basket of food alone).

Angela is really easy to talk to as she is a very open person and speaks English so good I would mistake her for an American easily. But despite the fact I had a chance for some grown up company and conversation I ended up playing with my kids:

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We found a duck`s egg in a stream nearby (we couldn`t save the chick inside because the egg has been in the water too long). The only way to keep my kids from begging me to fetch it out of the water was to fetch it out of the water (I like simple solutions). Well it took me only 15 minutes and a near unwanted swim.

And then I played with Angela`s kids, mostly Henry with whom I practiced throwing my boomerang (which I got from my friend Jane straight from Australia) and meanwhile I tried to converse with him in my broken German. But he didn`t laugh at my pronunciation or my waving of hands when I couldn`t remember a word. He acted very grown up for his age and in 15 minutes he could really throw the boomerang:


A nice time with nice people, there is nothing more I can write about that. Or in the words of one of my favourite movie heroes:

Slovenci na pikniku:

Paula se je z Angelo, prijazno gospo, ki nam je pomagala pri selitvi in nam še danes pomaga z različnimi informacijami, dogovorila za majhen piknik v Hofgartnu. Angela nam je najprej povedala, da je Kreuzsteinbad (mestni bazen) že odprt, kar še ne smem povedati otrokoma, ker bosta zahtevala, da ju peljem na bazen ne glede na to, če bodo brane padale iz neba.

Angela je prišla s svojima dvema od treh otrok, mladim Henrijem, ki je izrezana mama, in ljubka Josephine, ki ima celo več energije kot najina otroka. S sabo je tudi prinesla polno dobrot iz lokalne pekarne, ki so z našim dodatkom torte iz ajde pomenile, da se bomo lahko malce basali (sploh otroka, ki sta se komaj kaj odmaknila od košare s hrano).

Z Angelo se je izjemno lahko pogovarjati, ker je zelo odprta oseba in zelo dobro govori angleško, celo tako, da bi jo z lahkoto zamenjal z Američanko. Ampak kljub temu,d a sem imel končno možnost se družiti in pogovarjati z odraslo osebo, ki ni Paula, sem se na koncu več igral z otroki. Najprej s svojima, s katerima smo našli račje jajce v bližnjem potoku. Edini način, da nehata kričati naj ga rešim iz vode je bilo, da ga rešim iz vode (pač, imam rad preproste rešitve). Saj sem rabil samo 15 minut in se skoraj nehote skopal v potoku.

Potem sem se igral z Angelinima otrokoma, predvsem Henrijem, s katerim sva se učila metati moj bumerang (tega sem dobil od svojega prijatelja Janeta direktno iz Avstralije) med metanjem pa sem se poskušal pogovarjati s Henrijem v svoji polomljeni nemščini. Na moje presenečenje se Henry ni posmehoval mojemu naglasu ali mahanju rok, ko se nisem spomnil besede. Obnašal se je zelo odraslo za svoja leta in po slabih 15 minutah je že kar znal metati bumerang (kar lahko vidite na zgornji sliki).

Prijeten piknik s prijetnimi ljudmi. Kaj več kot to ne znam zapisati.