German weather forecasting needs help. Today it is supposed to be sunny or at least sunnier and warmer. We had 3 degrees in the morning and currently 10 degrees and are still awaiting the sun that was promised.
When I realized in the morning that the forecast is not going to come true (maybe I am just listening to the wrong radio – it could be that I have been listening to weather fortune-telling rather than forecasts), I made some hot tea and really sweetened it up with honey (sorry honey, I know you do not approve, the kids did though). And out we went. This time we were far more successful at having a good time. Because the sand at the playground is soaked, we made sandcastles and little streams.
It was the kid’s idea, I just helped. As fun as it was, we still miss the sun. At one point Ambrož asked me if he can take his shoes of, with the explanation that he really likes to feel the sand between his fingers. But there will come the time for sun and bare feet again, oh yes. And we will be well into the grilling season here in Germany. When one comes from the Balkans it is hard to except the fact that another nation is more thrilled (more like obsessed) with grilling than we are. All groceries have different products for grilling. On some advertisements we found they sell watermelons for grilling – they grill watermelons!!! In the public parks people bring out their grills and start grilling like it is their last day on earth, smoking up the whole place. Crazy. But nice. It shows that Germans really like their leisure time and know how to live it. That is the product of the German attention to details, the small things that make the difference, just like these details in the playground that make these wooden chairs little works of art:
Čakanje na poletje po slovensko:
Nemško napovedovanje vremena rabi pomoč. Za danes so napovedali sonce oziroma vsaj več sonca in toplejše temperature. Zjutraj smo imeli 3 stopinje in sedaj imamo okoli 10 stopinj in še vedno čakamo, da se sonce pokaže izza oblakov.
Ko sem zjutraj dojel, da se vremenska napoved ponovno ne bo izpolnila (mogoče samo poslušam napačen kanal na radiu – mogoče poslušam vremensko prerokovanje in ne napovedovanje), sem naredil sladek čas z medom (oprosti draga, vem, da ne odobravaš, zato pa sta otroka odobrila z nasmehom 🙂 ) in smo šli ven. Tokrat smo bili v pustolovščini veliko bolj uspešni. Ker je pesek na igrišču še moker, je primeren za gradnjo peščenih gradov in potokov.
Vse skupaj sta se spomnila otroka, jaz sem samo asistiral. Imeli smo se fino, ampak smo vseeno pogrešali sonce. V določenem trenutku me je Ambrož vprašal ali si lahko sezuje čevlje, ker mu je zelo všeč občutek peska med prsti.
Ampak bo zopet prišel čas sonca in bosih nog, oooo ja. In takrat bomo resnično v pravi sezoni grilanja tukaj v Nemčiji. Kot oseba, ki prihaja iz Balkana (čeprav »le« iz Slovenije) je težko sprejeti, da je neka druga nacija, sploh severnejša, bolj navdušena (mogoče celo obsedena) z grilanjem. Vse trgovine s prehrano imajo polno specializiranih izdelkov za grilanje. Ne eni reklami sva celo videla, da ponujajo lubenice za grilanje – kar pomeni, da grilajo celo lubenice!!! V javnih parkih razni ljudje včasih kar prinesejo svoj prenosni gril in začnejo na polno kuriti in peči na travi, da se vse kadi okoli njih. Noro. Ampak vseeno nekako prijetno. Te navade kažejo, da znajo Nemci dejansko zelo uživati v svojem prostem času. To je posledica nemške sposobnosti se posvetiti majhnim detajlom, ki naredijo stvar boljšo. Npr. kot leseni štori, z skoraj neopaznimi detajli, ki te stole na otroškem igrišču naredijo majhne umetnije (zgoraj na sliki).
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